Dr. Stanlas P.K. Man
Dr. Stanlas P.K. Man is Pastor & CEO of the Canadian Worship and Music Ministry Association (CWAMMA), and Music Director of Toronto Chinese Christian Chorale.
He was trained as composer, conductor, and specialist in worship and church music. He received his B.Mus. and M.Mus. degrees in composition and theory from University of Manitoba and North Texas State University respectively.
In 1989 he was conferred a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in composition and worship studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he was mentored by Dr. Bruce Leafblad and Dr. William Reynolds, leading scholars and authorities in worship and church music.
Among his conducting mentors are: Robert Burton, David Keith, Joseph King, Henry Gibbons, and Henry Enghrecht. Dr. Man was also trained in conducting workshops by Donald Neuen (professor at Eastman School of Music), Margret Hillis (conductor of Chicago Symphony Chorus) and Jon Washburn (conductor of Vancouver Chamber Choir). During his student years, he won several composition scholarships from North Texas State University and attended composition workshop with Samuel Alder. His composition teachers include Robert Turner, Michael Matthew, Newel K. Brown and William Colson.
Dr. Man has extensive ministry experience for over 30 years. He had served as Assistant Professor at United International College, Zhuhai, China; Assistant Professor of Worship and Director of Choral Activities at Canadian Bible College in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; and Pastor of Music and Worship at Toronto Chinese Community Church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has also taught occasionally at Tyndale University and Seminary, Toronto, Ontario. Canada. At present, Dr. Man is also Professor of Worship & Music ministry at Instituto Cristiano Leadership – Latinoamérica, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Guest Lecturer in Worship & Music Ministry at Alliance Bible School of Central & South America, Dorado, Panama.
Dr. Man is engaged in a very busy schedule in conducting workshops in worship, music ministry, as well as vocal and choral training. His ministry is well received by the Christian community. He had conducted workshops in New York, Oklahoma City, Ottawa, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Sudbury, Regina, and Toronto. He had also conducted workshops in Latin America and South America, namely, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, and Argentina. Dr. Man’s fruitful ministry has testified the power and importance of Church music and has fostered astonishing musical and spiritual experience to all participating musicians and audience.