Please visit CHURCH MUSIC RESOURCES → Worship Music for details

Toronto Chinese Christian Chorale
The Toronto Chinese Christian Chorale was established in 1995 and became a part of the Canadian Worship and Music Ministry Association in 2008. The vision of the Chorale is to help those who serve in music ministry grow musically and spiritually through chorale singing. Members of the mixed-voice Chorale come…

Canadian School of Church Music
The vision of the Canadian School of Church Music is to provide musical and Biblical educational training for those who serve in music ministry, including choir members, choir conductors, song leaders, worship leaders and accompanists. Over the years, we have offered courses in worship and music, worship design and planning,…

Revival Meetings
For the purpose of providing spiritual and technical training for those who want to serve in worship or music ministry in the church, several Worship and Music Ministry Revival Meeting were organized by CWAMMA in the past. Renowned theologians, pastors, music ministers, professors, teachers, and practicing church musicians were invited to…